Inner Feelings!

This is my personal blog, contains some of my events, thoughts and most of the time my inner feelings...!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


we have not met today online to prepare for our pre-final seminar...
actually we have nothing to prepare ... I just finished part of our demo but it did not work at all...!!!
I got in a fighting with one of my project's members and unfortunately, I went far in my words and shouted a lot ... In fact I got so nervous but really I GOT MY OVER ... IT IS OUT MY LIMITS ... I can not imagine my self at college after about 3 hours waiting for my pre-final seminar withOUT a project !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
was it my fault?! ... was it any of my team members fault?! ... OR was it OURS??!!!
I do not know ... Allah, be with us plz ... Forgave us if we did any mistakes... And help us today:-(...

Now, I can not think, I can not sleep, I can not do any thing else ... Simply, I just want to CRY... :'(