Inner Feelings!

This is my personal blog, contains some of my events, thoughts and most of the time my inner feelings...!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


it is so dark night ... the sky is so angry and crying heavily ... look there, she is moving slowley acting as a blind ... her feelings trying to take her for the right path ... her mind has been shocked and fainted & her thoughts trying hardly to bring it to life again, a few people are around... no matter if she rained like the sky as no one will notice ... her tears tell alot, it is the words which can not be spoken and the deed which can not be did ... it is very cold but the fire inside her broken heart is enough to give her wormth ... it is not safe but the enegry of the scream which running inside her is enough to damage any source of danger... seems it is a very long night or it is the longest night ever ...

She is running away with no way to follow only one way is TO BE AWAY !!!