Inner Feelings!

This is my personal blog, contains some of my events, thoughts and most of the time my inner feelings...!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Only 3 Persons...!!!

Some one asked me, who are ur friends? Who is the most special one for u or who is ur antim?!...Etc
I thought for a while about these questions and tried to CLASSIFY people around me...

When I tried to classify persons I know in my life or persons around me...

I found that they are 4 classes...

Special persons class:-
They are only 3 persons that I will never forget them ... I am so lucky to have them really :-)
may I will add a fourth one for them in future isA (may be Yes, may be No ) ... But all I know until now that they only three!!! ... They affected in my personality and my view to life a lot ... Wish from Allah to give them all good, beauty and sweet things in life and after life isA.

Family class:-
People that I grown up with ... I opened my eyes to find them around me ... I appreciate them a lot and I am attached for them by nature... They are defined as my history and my existence...Allah bless them all.

Friends class:-
they are people that I knew along my study life at school and at college ... They are not this close for me but I am happy too to know them and the most happiness time for me is the time when I got the chance to help them at both their life and work problems.

Others class:
All people on the earth not including the above classes :-) ... People that may I treat one of them one day at a special event and only one time ... Their existence in my life for me is important cuz I gain my life experience during the daily treating with them.

That was very simple and general classification for people around me ... And may I add a new class in future isA :-) ...

Note:- If I classified myself to a specific class it will be mars visitors class as most of people had defined me ... :P

Peace Be Upon U ...

Saturday, August 20, 2005

I AM TOO BUSY...(A Truth Moment With OurSelves)!!!

"In the Name of Allah"

I'M TOO BUSY Everyday as I wake up at dawn My mind start working the moment I yawn... There were many things to do...
ooohhhh dear!!!!!!

That's why I hastily did my Subuh prayerI didn't have the time to sit longer to praise the Lord To me rushing out after prayer is nothing odd...

Since school, I had been busy every minute Completing my tutorials...
always No time did I have to Allah to pray...
Too many things to do and zikir is rare For Allah, I really had no time to spare..

When I grew up and started my career Working all day to secure my future When I reached home, I prefered to have funI chatted on the phone but I didn't read the QuranI spent too much time surfing the Internet , Sad to say, my faith was falling flat...

The only time I have left is weekends ... During which I prefer going out with friends, I couldn't spare time to go to the mosque...I'm too busy, that's the BIG EXCUSE...

I did my five prayers but did so quickly After prayer, I didn't sit longer to reflect quietly...I didn't have time to help the needy ones...I was loaded with work as my precious time runs...
No time at all to visit a sick Muslim , I hardly lent a hand... I'm too busy to do community service When there were gatherings, I helped the least...!!!

My life was already full of stress, So I didn't counsel a Muslim in distress...I didn't spend much time with my family B'coz I thought, doing so is a waste of time...
No time to share with non-Muslim about Islam, Even though I know, inviting causes no harm...No time to do Sunnah prayers at all,

All these contribute to my imaan's fall..!!!

I'm busy here and busy there...I've no time at all, that's all I care...I went for religious lessons, just once in awhile Coz I'm too busy making a pile...

I worked all day.... I slept all night...Too tired for Tahajjud and it seemed not right To me, earning a living was already I only did basic deeds but that's not enough..
No time at all, to admire God's creation...No time to praise Allah and seek His Compassion,

Although I know how short is my life For Islam, I really didn't strive..

Finally the day comes, when the Lord calls for me And I stood before Him with my Life's History...I feel so guilty b'coz I should have prayed more, Isn't that what a Muslim lives for?!!!
To thank Allah and do more good deeds And the Quran is for us all to read...

Now at Judgement Day, I'm starting to fret...I've wasted my life but it's too late to regret...My entry to Paradise depend on my good behavior, But I've not done enough nor did proper prayer
My "good deed book" is given from my right...An angel opened my "book" and read out my plight.
Then the angle chided me....
"O You Muslim servant, you are the one,Who is given enough time, yet not much is done ...Do you know that your faith is loose? saying "no time" is only an excuse.Your "good deed book" should be filled up more... with all the good work you stood up for...

Hence, I only recorded those little good deeds As I say this, I know your eyes will mist..I was about to write some more, you see But I did not have, THE TIME to list".......



Thursday, August 18, 2005


A lecturer was giving a lecture to his student on stress management. He raised a glass of water and asked the audience, "How heavy do you think this glass of water is?"

The students' answers ranged from 20g to 500gm. !!!

It does not matter on the absolute weight. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is Ok. :-)
If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. :-S
If I hold it for a day, you will have to call an ambulance. :-D

It is the exact same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming increasingly heavier.

What you have to do is to put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again. We have to put down the burden periodically, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.

So before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.

Life is TOO short, it is not only WORK !!! ... :-)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Special post for KOKY... :-)

A Guy loved a girl who studies computer science....
He sent her a letter
saying .....

I LOVE YOU MORE THAN MY COMPUTER Believe me it is true...
You installed the best in me. Your picture is always in my background. You clicked my heart gently. You drive me crazy when I see you. Your love reset my life and deleted all the sadness in me. You restored my kindness after I thought it was corrupted. I'm always connected to you with more than 56 heartbeats per second. You hacked my brain and registered your name in it. You are the only one that could navigate my feelings and explore my emotions at the same time. I feel lost when I try to call you and you are not responding.

I always feel you close to me when I shut down my eyes, or when I open my windows waiting for you to pass. You are the only one that can log into my heart and never log out. I dream of being your only server as long as I live. You don't have to search for me, cause we are always linked to each other. I see your name everywhere, my FrontPage, my homepage and all my software. I scanned my life and found that I'm only infected by you. You are the virus I'd never remove, and why should I do? You formatted my life and added happiness to view. Believe me it is true...
I love you more than my CPU :)

Week End...:P

oh yes, I know that u waited for me for a very long time ... So, it is time to sing and be happy cuz I am BACK :D :P ...
I am working now at DMS , I work there since 3 weeks... And today is my week end virtual and physical... Really, I can not believe my self, I kept for 12 hours not writing a single line of code :D!!!,

these 3 weeks learned me really what is meant by word "ROUTINE"...
it is to be ready early ... Go to ur work ( this statements is the base class for many situations classes with people at street or even with transportations un-organized rules...)... As soon as u reach to ur work u r in the mood to think, search and finish ur assigned tasks... At the end of the day ur battery is low so u do ur best to reach ur home... home sweet home , it is time to re-charge ur battery by some food and catching from 3 to 4 sleeping hours ... Then getting up to finish the rest of work (it is optional...) and it is time again to go work... And so on as a loop...

but finally it is my week end ... I won't waste it again in work , I will enjoy it only with cartoon films :D...

hope u r all fine and in a very good state far from ROUTINE ... :-)